Fear is our greatest ally.


“ I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the

capacity to overcome it.” - Nelson Mandela

Let’s not be fearful of change, because it is the catalyst for a better life!

Let’s not be fearful of “losing” something or someone, because it is only by being ready to do so that we can grow and evolve.

Let’s not fear instability.

We are often so fearful of the unknown that we find it difficult to face change and uncertainty. We find it difficult to let go, to step out of our comfort zone.

Unfortunately, that stops us in our tracks. Gradually, we start to feel dissatisfaction, restlessness, confusion and sadness, and lose the joy in our lives. But more importantly, these fears prevent us from moving closer to our true nature, our very essence and our reason to exist. Fear works on our mind, robbing the heart and soul of their chance to fulfill our mission in life.. Fear inhibits creativity and robs us of a sense of freedom. So the sooner we learn to master and transcend our fear, the more joyful and free our lives will be.

What we often don’t understand is this: Change=growth=joy.

Let’s listen to our inner voice that calls us to evolve, let’s be guided by it, it is our very soul that is speaking to us. A soul that always strives to move us towards reaching our full potential.

Once we start down the road of transformation, there will always be challenges along the way, but they are temporary and transient, and the magic follows right behind them.

Let’s have confidence in ourselves and in life itself. It simply wants the best of us and for us, but we must be willing to take the leap.


See your “weaknesses” as opportunities for growth.