See your “weaknesses” as opportunities for growth.


Our “weaknesses”, “faults”, “deficiencies”, call them what you will, are really opportunities for improvement and growth, a chance to develop and transform into the best version of ourselves. So, let’s loosen the grip of our ego and of our fears and insecurities and take the time to observe our darker sides in order to bring light, love and acceptance to our true selves. With that, our weaknesses will not rise up so readily. If we manage, little by little, to face them, examine them and look at them from a new perspective of love and acceptance, who knows? Maybe they will simply disappear, or lose their grip on us.

In reality, our faults are simply a shadow of our qualities. For example, if we are usually very patient, the flip side of the coin is that we may also be very indecisive and prone to procrastination. If we are spontaneous and dynamic, we may also be impulsive and impatient. Or, if we tend to be very organized and orderly, it may well be that we are also rigid and controlling. You get the idea. Therefore, it is important to recognize our qualities and abilities, while at the same time being conscious of the weaknesses associated with them, without giving them too much importance. They are but shadows, after all, and if we shed a kind light on them, they will fade into the background, while our strengths and qualities radiate ever more brightly, illuminating our daily lives.


What we HAVE, RECEIVE and DO are only reflections of what we ARE.


Fear is our greatest ally.