What we HAVE, RECEIVE and DO are only reflections of what we ARE.


One of the most beautiful lessons of my journey has been the understanding that I am the master of my life. Yes, some speak of fate or destiny, of “dharma” in the Buddhist tradition. It is said that our soul is incarnated in a human body in order to fulfill a certain mission or to learn essential lessons for our spiritual evolution. But even within that context, we choose and decide at each moment who we want to BE, and that has great impact on what we have, what we receive and what we do in life. In other words, if we wish for a transformation, either individually or on a wider collective scale, we must start within ourselves.

The wise words of Rumi sum it up beautifully: “ Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Everything starts with “BEING”. Unfortunately, most people think the opposite - if they HAVE something ( money, a job, a spouse, etc), they can DO something ( buy a house, travel, etc) and only then can they actually BE something ( happy, satisfied, etc). The truth is quite the reverse of this perception.

When you examine your life closely, you see that you have, consciously or not, actually chosen and drawn everything in it to yourself - your job, your partner, your activities and the environment you live in. I know, I know, it is not easy to accept that we have that power and at the same time, the huge responsibility that goes with it. But the opportunity is golden.

When we work towards “ cleansing, purifying, polishing” our interior selves through meditation, introspection and awareness, through exercise, positive thinking, open hearts and good health practices, life becomes more exciting, joyful, satisfying and expansive. Sometimes this means changing the lens through which we see life, changing our focus in order to transform what we see. Everything is but illusion, the creation of our own reality!

So before blaming others or the outside world and feeling powerless, turn inwards and observe your inner mind. What are your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions? Who and what are you surrounding yourself with, in terms of people, activities, sources of information? Are you nourishing your inner self? Are you working to improve your vibrational field, your energy level in every sense in order to attract all the positive things you wish for in your life?

It is Tesla that said: “ If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ” If we come back to the foundations of our very existence, our thoughts, words and deeds all carry energy, much like the atoms and particles of which we are made. That energy can be positive or negative. The law of attraction simply teaches us that the power of the mind translates whatever is in our thoughts and materializes it into reality . The truth is always simple, it is accepting it that is hard.


Your presence in this world is required!


See your “weaknesses” as opportunities for growth.