Inspirations to shine your divinity

Natalie Dubé Natalie Dubé

Healing = Wholeness = Love

We are each a valued piece of the puzzle of life, bringing our different and unique strengths and abilities to the whole. As such, we each have a precise and personal role to play.

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Natalie Dubé Natalie Dubé

The frequency of love is what healed me.

I know you are thinking " Really Natalie? Common!" YES! it is that simple, which doesn't mean it's easy. The question is are you ready to choose love every second of your journey?

After experiencing 3 years of disconnection to my soul, high level of stress, building a house in a foreign country, a toxic relationship, codependency, publishing a book, moving to another country, the pandemic, an eating disorder,.... of course my body and organs decided to shut down!

For many months I couldn't move, nor eat. It was the biggest challenge I had ever experienced. Depression, anxiety, loneliness and sadness hit me.

Here I thought I was pretty "aware & awakened", but apparently I had many lessons to learn and it had to be the hard way! Now it all makes sense. For the past three years, I had been denying myself, completely disconnected from my soul & heart making unhealthy choices on many levels.

Although I was 100% committed to getting my health back, trying every possible diet & supplements, working with all the possible specialists, spending around $25,000, yes I saw improvements of course, but I wasn't fully healed.

And in March 2023, I connected with Twinray, 2 masters-teachers with an incredible amount of light & love. I started following their teachings on LOVE & HEALTH, listening to all their meditations and follow every technique they suggested. I started reconnecting to my body, my soul, my heart, my essence and LOVING MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY. I started being Natalie again!

Since then, I've been cultivating on a daily base more light & love into every cell and inch of my being with different daily practices & tools. I'm healed. 🙏✨🥳

The only reason why I'm sharing this is to inspire you and to let you know that if I can do it, so can you. It is your birthright to be healthy, happy & free.

My only purpose on earth is to guide & help you on your healing journey back to your divine & whole self so you can shine your gifts and be of service. ✨💜

I offer different services to help you reclaim your health, power, joy and love. Let's connect.

Love always xx

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Natalie Dubé Natalie Dubé

Your presence in this world is required!

We are each a valued piece of the puzzle of life, bringing our different and unique strengths and abilities to the whole. As such, we each have a precise and personal role to play.

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